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27 ene 2012

Audiencia en el Parlamento Europeo sobre el Sistema Interamericano

El pasado miércoles 25 de enero de 2012, la Subcomisión de Derechos Humanos del Parlamento Europeo llevó a cabo una audiencia sobre el Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos. A continuación transcribo la descripción oficial del evento y las ponencias que se presentaron:

“The Inter-American human rights mechanism is a well established regional system of human rights protection that coexists with the UN-level universal mechanisms. However, it does face real challenges in terms of resources and sometimes also with regard to real political backing from its Member States. The concerns of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights have increased in recent years due to the increase in the number of cases that the Inter-American Commission has been able to submit to the Tribunal. Consequently, there has been a marked increase in the number of cases on stage of monitoring compliance with the Court's judgements – thus requiring appropriate follow-up. The European Parliament’s Subcommittee on Human Rights has from time to time raised cases that have been adjudicated by the Inter-American System. Most recently this was the case in the joint hearing with FEMM Committee on feminicide. With a view to the proposed new EIDHR regulation due to be presented in this same meeting 25/1, the question of further EU support to and cooperation with the Inter-American Court and the Commission is also very timely to consider.*
*¨tomado de:

6 ene 2012

Conferencia UNCTAD-UAM: Responsible Sovereign Financing

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has released in 2011 a set of “Principles on Responsible Sovereign Lending and Borrowing”. The purpose of these Principles is to fill in a crucial gap in international sovereign financing - the non-existence of a set of essential principles, for all types of sovereign debt contracting, that is globally agreed on. The Principles are conceptualized in a holistic way and are thus meant to be applied to sovereign borrowers, developed or developing countries alike, as well as their lenders.

In the context of the Campus of Excellence status awarded to the UAM-CSIC, UNCTAD and the University Autónoma of Madrid (UAM), through its schools of Law and Economics, are organizing the Conference "Responsible Sovereign Borrowing and Lending: The Search for Common Principles”.*


Tribunal ecuatoriano ratifica millonario fallo contra Chevron

Una corte de apelaciones en Ecuador ratificó una sentencia que ordena a la compañía petrolera estadounidense Chevron pagar una suma que podría llegar a más de US$18.000 millones como indemnización a las personas que la acusan de causar daños ambientales en la Amazonía y afectar su salud*.

Más información sobre algunos hechos del caso aquí

Facts About Chevron and Texaco in Ecuador

* Fuente: